Hell (and I'm not saying this because I just came from the bar), I fucking love you all. Although I've probably thought hateful thoughts directed towards most of you at some time or another. Maybe I just feel nostalgic toward y'all. It's been a lot of years. I've said it before, but in general I'm a proponent of blendy, but mainly only save my ire for lazy squares. Most of the recently active articipants have been doing a pretty decent job in my eyes. It seems that most of the old school gridhogs have mellowed with age. JIT's been around recently. I don't really expect EHO to ever come back. SNY pops in from time to time. (I'm not sure I ever really appreciated him until his sarcastic response to MRS in August of 2008.) I miss AUS the most. And would like to see OED and UWI more often. And what ever happened to IAN? (Or even KYT for that matter?)