Played a couple of Gridcosm flythroughs that I found at YouTube inside something called an emPod in Second Life. Then I uploaded some screenshots to Picasa. It's like a 32 meter globular digital kaleidoscope that plays YouTube movies. Avatars can dance within the sphere. Buying an emPod cost me 1000 Linden dollars. That's about four U.S. dollars. ''Total media immersion with the emPod. Floats as one [megaprim] above your property. Streams any mpg4 video, all SL channels.'' That quote is from a guy who made a somewhat cheesewhiz YouTube video called Second Life: Ember Farina's emPod (Media Sphere) Ember Farina is name of an avatar belonging to the creator of emPod. She's an Aussie who is nearly as nice as Jon.