SITO / Discussions / sito.synergy.gridcosm
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by MARK SUNSHINE [sny SITOme] [email MARK SUNSHINE] 2008-09-05 20:29:25 [21175]
It's on. Quite simply.

I have listened to all this garbage, endless passages of intellectualism and you know what, not a stones worth of that can make good art, graphics or entertainment.

Let me get this straight: I don't care blend or not: I often choose blending over non-blending and that is it. I will gravitate toward blending, drawing and some concept, one that is not so message laden, Triumph of the Intellect variety.

Panel after panel of disjointed "iconorrhea", cliche hotspot portraits -- bring it on . Maximize it to the hilt, commandeering level after level quicker than any fool can reserve a panel -- to place in a playful single piece, so as to pump out sloppy, dodgy BOILERPLATE!

I swear -- no matter what is said after this, there is no point arguing, from now on I will not argue.

Post away.


How about classifications, like in WOW or DND, SNY Blend 7 Quilt 3

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