RAJ did die. And GIZ before him. I didn't want RAJ or GIZ to go away. Level 2578 would not have happened without RAJ. The Grateful Dead, a jam session, an unforgettable hallucination. ...gridcosm?level=2578 RAJ did some of the best hogged levels. Like his self-portrait. ...gridcosm?level=2415 Hogging can lead directly to collaboration. ...gridcosm?level=2590 The very next level after his hogged level 2590 had OED, EHO, NLT, SNY, and THU in it. ...gridcosm?level=2591 GIZ was a genuine New York artist. Level 548 was the closest he ever came to hogging. ...gridcosm?level=548 He was taken to task. ...gridcosm?level=549