SITO / Discussions / sito.synergy.gridcosm
Re: pSITOsomatic apoptotic-wish !! (to MRM)
by Marlos Salustiano [mrs SITOme] [email Marlos Salustiano] 2008-08-26 11:19:34 [21070]
Well, i certainly would be wrong if only i could guess that "absolutely nothin" was
"a simple non-sequiter call-and-response to the lyrics of Edwin Starr's "
War" as it found it's way through a synapse gap".

Since that a almost supernatural hability to guess is something that i naturaly don't possess, my target was of course, whoever deliberately and frontaly could have answered Brisueno's question on those lazy narcisistic terms!

Fortunately it was not your case! Good for you!

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Re: pSITOsomatic apoptotic-wish !!
Re: pSITOsomatic apoptoti..

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