SITO / Discussions / sito.synergy.gridcosm
Beyond blend and quilt , by f.w.MRS-tzsche
by Marlos Salustiano [mrs SITOme] [email Marlos Salustiano] 2008-08-23 18:25:48 [21062]

Of course i believe that no one here would prefer to use 'novilingua' (big brother's massificated and alienating quasi-stenographic language) while trading ideas. After all, once in a while is so nice when we get out of our narcisistic/pedantic/urbanoid ivory towers and start a good chat, full of cordial and paradoxically bonding skepticism, isn't it?*lol

Well, once again it's not a matter of "gridhoggism" or "quilthoggism", but certainly a matter of APOPTOSISm! And, thank Dog, wonderful new ideas are blossoming!

Structural transformations tend to be healthy, as long as they don't fall into some postmodern traps...

Anyway, i'll be doing further developments of this argument in a short while! Right now i'm going to by potatoes in the supermarket!*lol

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Re: The Gridhelix Proposal or, how to start a philosophical war, was, Re: We are in the Time of the LevelJack
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