SITO / Discussions / sito.synergy.gridcosm
To quilt or not to quilt (tiny epistle to mr. Mugwort)
by guest   2008-08-22 23:17:40 [21057]
Well, once again i'll explain: there is absolutely no problem neither in blending nor in the artistic solidarity that is related to it. This simple and proficient principle was never under attack. And trying to protect what was never under attack, people miss the real point, because i share these collaborative values with all the other articipants! NONE of the questions i've been raising had the purpose of attacking Sito's concept or articipant's fellowship.

On the order hand, i was the one unfairly taged as "lazy anarchist" (a pointless, fruitless and lazy labeling, by the way) because i've dared to take some risks by provoking a debate thru polemic interventions on both the gridscom and gridpoem area.

And this debate is not based on the old one ("blenders versus quilters"): the issue is not "to blend or not to blend", or "to quilt or not to quilt" but to DEFY what some blendy orthodox non-sporadic articipants consider "apropriate blending" and "inapropriate gridhogging".

A lazy guy wouldn't be giving a damn about it! And a true anarchist would be hacking the site and scrambling everything. And of course i am neither of those.

If you sporadicaly articipate and always blends your square with other's, well that's ok. No one will be bothered. But what if someday your creative impulses compels you to not do so?

You're not trying to make enemies or to disrespect anyone, but you really (HONESTLY) find yourself compeled to do something different.

Will you ask permission to old-timers to be able to explore gridscom's latent/unexplored possibilities when, as a matter of fact, the permission was already granted by OED's in principle?

To ask for authorization to be able to dare and try something NEW has nothing to do with the real spirit of art, wich involves taking risks.

I can't conceive a scene in wich Stravinsky would ask Rimsky-Korsakov's (his teacher) permission to compose "Le sacre du printemps". Even less a scene in wich Luis Buñuel would ask permission to the Pope (or to all catholic followers) the permission to be blasfemous or shoking in his films.

A true balance between colectivism and individualism presuposes mutual courtesy and sometimes what is "lazyly" considered "gridhogging" is not gridhogging at all!

Anyway, if you are open to explore new possibilities (and i'll quote you:

"I agree that there are many ways to collaborate besides making the squares blend seamlessly"
), well, that's what really matters to me, because it implies that we can start enumerating and exploring new procedures.

It implies that we can produce togheter more than images: we can debate, share concepts, respectfully exercise criticism!

Of course watching the flash animation and watching blendy levels going by is very entertaining, but the same should happen in the conceptual field!

That, i believe, is also a crucial part of SITO's purposes!

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Re: Garage band, multi-levels, blendy-blindness

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