I am not so lacking in imagination that the merit of each of your panels escaped me, well not most of them anyway. The issue I had with them was how divorced they were from the panels around them, even your own. Even beyond visual blending, I like to think that some sort of thematic blending is at play. Doesn't have to be blatant but I'd like to think that something that was there before is what is informing your addition, even if in a negative context. Now, it is most probably the case that it is my poor understanding of art and/or the world of ideas that caused me not to appreciate your adding what appeared to me sometimes 8 discontinuous clearly demarcated and, to my mind, isolated panels with no discernible reason. This done repeatedly. That you would spend so much time on each panel without, as far as I could see, any concern for it's neighbor seems to go against the idea of collaboration to my mind. Don't get me wrong, I recognized the detail and sometimes the statement of each panel but it is my burden to look for an overall meaning to what you are saying on any particular level. Usually, even though I could never articulate what a level is "saying" I can accept that my unconscious can; a feeling of which I wasn't getting from your leveljacking. I have gridhogged in the past myself and I will probably do so again. The point is, well, I don't know what the point is anymore. Carry on.