SITO / Discussions / sito.synergy.gridcosm
Re: Verbosity
by Marlos Salustiano [mrs SITOme] [email Marlos Salustiano] 2008-08-16 15:42:36 [21025]
Don't apologise: the space is democratic! I do think that is so interesting when words blossom exactly where they (perhaps) shouldn't.

Of course i'm getting old, and i don't have any kind of problems with it! Acctually i'm old enough to join you and laugh at my own mistakes, either in life or in gridscom wich, by the way, is not a 'freemasonry', or any sort of esoteric cult to the "transcendental blendyness"(and that's why our beloved father OED is so tolerant with our moments of crap, especially the ones i've made, otherwise he certainly would punish us).lol

Anyway, the only thing that bugs me is that: when people start to use a PUBLIC SPACE as if their own, establishing new rules and creating an atmosphere of intolerance (because that is completely different from trying to create alternatives to blendy procedures).

"Fuck off, you old curmudgeon, you just don't get what the kids are up to these days"
seems to be a tremendously angry statement, highly intolerant, almost fanatical. Exactly as pointed out in Peter Gabriel's song "NO ONE OF US".

But enough of that: many levels have passed and the history of gridscom (hSITOry) moves foward! We already have collaborated in many levels and certainly i (hereby declare) will collaborate with you in others to come!

After all, the real big thing, the real big problem is happening on Irak and also in Georgia!


Now talking about Woody's film: i´m plannig to watch it pretty soon! Is it really really enjoyable?

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