SITO / Discussions / sito.synergy.gridcosm
Re: Gridpoems (was Re: favorite gridcosm level(s))
by guest   2007-12-13 20:04:10 [19881]
they play quite readily on my sys., but your post should read;
"Unfortunately I just dug up and found an old archive of gridpoem readings I did 'back in the day'..."

wow. those are hokey. i couldn't make it all the way through the second one before rapidly hitting the stop button, deleting the files forever, and rebooting just to get the taste out of my mouth. just sayin.

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Gridpoems (was Re: favorite gridcosm level(s))
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Re: Gridpoems (was Re: fa..
Re: Gridpoems (was Re: fa..
Re: Gridpoems (was Re: fa..

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