will have to fashion a tribute somehow, having been a part of this gridcosm thing for almost 10 years (!) the nick SNY has always been a constant . . . Remember yonder days of AUS and DGT? MKC, BAZ and AAG? Hell, if you're taking a break I can afford this nostalgic time-trip. Yet I only know you through the grid, I think we've e-mailed maybe once, how cool is that? The SNY style is punk and painterly, splintered and cartoon-like. A familiarity with art history pops through occasionally, but if there is any "art" in the gridcosm it can be found in the way SNY collaborates. One gets the sense that he looks at the squares and at the work of others and works with them, not against them.(Unless against them is what is needed). There is a respect of other peoples work (or at least an acknowledgment) that is laudable. A sense of play and perhaps obsession too, someone who spends that much time zooming into images at 600% would have to be a little crazy :) I have a hard time thinking the sweet, sweet teat of the gridcosm won't pull you back in, but until then . . .