Did someone already suggest an unplugged party with no computers or techno toys allowed? Not even a cellphone? Create a Gridcosm level out of natural materials? It would have to be a lot bigger than 450 x 450 pixels. I'd like to make a square using Play-Doh and construction paper. Has this already been done? BTW... "The third edition of Mal au Pixel will focus on the theme of public space." "We are currently looking for both finalized projects as well as concepts/prototypes and we encourage people from all disciplines to participate and send us proposals. Artists, researchers, architects, designers, hackers, activists, engineers, VJs, etc., you are all welcome!" "We are seeking for projects more specifically dealing with the online public space and virtual communities, interactive installations in the urban space, mobile infrastructures and new cartographies." "We will also support site-specific projects by granting artistic residencies and providing other production resources.Deadline for submission: November 1, 2007" Pixelache festival » Blog Archive » Mal au Pixel 08 call for projects + Pixelache Network News <www.pixelache.ac>