Of course I realize that there's always a risk that someone will crap on an offering to blend.... I've seen it happen thousands of times. I just think that slapping up a bunch of blank squares that stops the flow of what's going on is about as welcome as using the reservation grids as your image. It's totally played out and ugly, and anyone who is here to collaborate should avoid it. A little effort goes a long way in making it more fun to participate. In the case of level 2774, I really liked Root Mugwort's grids and made a fully blended 2774b3 without reserving it because I wanted to give someone else a chance to do b3 in case they were inspired.... So I was understandably disappointed when I was blocked by the uninsipred "fuck you all" that the solid colored totally non-blended grid represents. SNY, as the most active grid participant, you should be trying to be a positive example of what it means to collaborate to advance the spirit of the game. Anyone can upload blank squares, don't fool yourself into thinking that you're doing something noble.