The party favors would be more interesting if the Guest of Honor were a ten year old. 8 guests per table. Each table should be square. The center square of each table belonging to Gridcosm. Why not do panel discussions like at a sci-fi con. OED, UWI, BAZ, SNY and AAG on a panel. Do five panels. 20 minutes per panel x 5 = 100 minutes. Everyone is included on at least one panel. For example: The Founders Panel (people who have done Gridcosm since day 1) The Fine Artists Panel (participants who know shit about art) The Digital Collage Panel (we do it because we can) The Blendy Panel (how come no patchwork quilts?) The Strife Panel (topics include the JIT meltdown and mixed media flamewars) Then OED and UWI make speeches. We raise a toast to the Guest of Honor. Then anarchy until closing. Encourage everyone to bring digital video cams, WACOM tablets and other techno toys. Don't discourage anyone from doing Gridcosm squares, PANIC or creating other artwork LIVE during the party.