I'm not going to decloak. You'd have heard of me. This is supposed to be about art and I don't want it to be about the phony conservative liberal continuum invented by news media. I don't want to play that game on an art site. Go play it on political sites, where they will be happy to go around and around forever. 9/11: attacking a country and killing or endangering innocent people causes the kind of emotions we've seen here. these are legitimate feelings. Since everyone who is attacked feels this way, Americans should have gotten a very lucid, if tragically unnecessary, lesson in why their poor deluded leaders have spent 50 years doing such a bad job at winning allies through aerial bombardment. Unfortunately, these leaders wanted no such thing, now we have more terrorists than before, and people posting garbage on the Internet instead of thinking. US liberated Europe: This interpretation of history is very popular with Americans who need another reason for the country's history than the kind of depressing one that just about every president since 1900 has seen reasons to serve corporate interests first and the public welfare, blessings of liberty, etc, second. Unfortunately history never happened this way. Europe liberated itself, with a great deal of help from its powerful ally, the United States. This is ignorance used is a weapon, and antithetical to art. Artists will continue to fight it. Take it somewhere else.