Re: baba ganoush 12:8 | ||
by little people my ass | 2006-08-13 08:03:52 | [16670] |
"...''terrorism'' to describe these days is a symptom. the little people getting pushed so far that they have to push back.<<< hahahahahahah... Let me guess, you consider yourself to be an educated liberal. Yes? Wake up. For the terrorists [not ''little people''] I'm thinking of it is more a matter of cowardly attacks against thousands of innocent men, women and children around the world in their effort to kill all the infidels the unbelievers. I was not wrong in my response. I responded to some asshole complaining that all Americans do is whine about 911 in response to a post on the Gridcosm. If the 'professor' had simply read that post and taken it for what it was [a disussion of the Gridcosm] instead of going off half cocked and intentionally trying to offend, then we could all have skipped this conversation. But Thursday fielded that one nicely. My own response came when the professor once again farted. Accusing America of being strictly retaliatory in nature. Regardless of when our country jumped in to the World Wars, and regardless of whether or not we allow immigration here, the fact remains that many free countries today would not be had it not been for the blood our soldiers shed. We may have Germans here and German ancestors. But the Germans were not t he problem, Hitler was. So we have German ancestors here. Correct. If Americans were not retaliatory then Great britain and most of Europe would BE Germany today. And Jon, sorry but if you had read my short statement without reading anything into it in my last post, then you'd have realized that I was in no way pitting one side against the other. Rather, I was pointing out that my country, regardless of the motives of the few exploiters in power, was not against but 'for' the free world. And that many of the countries enjoying freedom today, would not be free, had it not been for America's so called retaliatory nature. Which part of that is wrong Jon? I resent liberal kneejerks repeating what they've heard their professors babble on about without thinking for themselves. I resent any callous attitude towards the death of others... yes, including the 911 victims. I resent the watered down history lessons delivered by you and the buttcrack who started this whole thing. I resent your attempt to play arbitrator and the pc correct terms you use to define muderers and fascists. Your logic does not hold. 1000 to 1. We call that a majority here, and majority rules. It isn't little people who explode. What single sane person pushes against 1000 by killing? We call em terrorists. It is the power mad, the fascists, and the malcontents who would impose their beliefs on the world that explode. It is not little fucking people! And I resent this topic being deleted/hidden/moved whatever you want to call it. There are no links to an Off Topic board to be found on the Boards page. I found this by doing a search. That sucks. The thread was in response to a conversation[s] on the Gridcosm board [which are still there] and was made in a gesture of solidarity towards Thursday's response. It serves no purpose here. You hid it, plain and simple, one step short of actually deleting. Was that censorship on your part? Fuck yes it was! | ||
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