SITO / Discussions / sito.synergy.gridcosm
Re: Vinegar (SNY, UWI, TCA)
by MARK SUNSHINE [sny SITOme] [email MARK SUNSHINE] 2006-07-28 11:02:02 [16475]
"i replied to eho posts (just follow the links (in reply TO)) what's up suddenyl you lost your intellect?"

I had to make this clear owing to the forum's lack of instant quote.

So lemme get this straght someone calls you an ass and you have to lay into her like that?

Listen here JIT. I wanted a concrete, relatively calm assessment of your feelings -- not barbs at me, you simply don't want to do that. It is a waste of time. I don't mess with you. Calm the fuck down as far as replies to me.

I wanted, in my post, you to tell why you shout all these names and HOW you feel this has defamed you and I want it in well thought out as best you can muster Englishese. Coherent.

Let me teach you:

SNY This is what happened:

1.EHO called me an ass.

2.EHO was inspired my my work but I feel a little too greatly and I feel I deserve credit.

3.SNY I know nothing about Creative Commons

4.I have no ability to stave off my upswell of anger; regardless of etiquette and without ample consideration I will, mercilessly submit caustic comments to the forum until I feel in some respect, justice has been done.

I dont want to READ you shit about EHO here, is my intellect fine enough for you here? I dont want to read the personal attacks. It gets old.

All I said was take it to a place where I dont have to see your tirades, or trash talk? TIME AND PLACE -- like someone being unable to overhear a boor's loud cellphone conversation in a restaurant I just find certain content -- in certain forums distasteful - there is no sito.flamef*ck but that is where some stuff belongs?

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