SITO / Discussions / sito.synergy.gridcosm
by MARK SUNSHINE [sny SITOme] [email MARK SUNSHINE] 2006-07-27 11:32:47 [16448]
You know, JIT responded to me in one manner and now yourself,and I just want to make it clear.

Some exchanges can be full of ire, but if they are directed at technique or choice, that is fine... but escalating it into namecalling, which really really achieves nothing, especially in a forum, just disappoints me the moment I see say the word 'dickhead.'

Is there a 3rd party who can tell me, for I am mildy curious, what the heck JIT is talking about? show an example and make some sense of it, unless of course the energy of the scrap is done-done and it is not worth it?

From what I see, JIT is accusing EHO of somehow taking his work, and trying to pass it off as her own? This seems a bit out of character initially and in no manner of biased defense do I say this: in this collab world things are kinda Wild West.

If I took someone's character or shape or style, I would include, if the amount of 'taken' is significant, a nod to the artist. If it was say Whistler's Mother sitting in the room with Rodin's Thinker... I would give nods to both...perhaps call the piece

" Mother do think they'll try to break -- my balls?"

I don't know EHO per se, save for here, but as an artist, I cannot see her taking artwork, going off somewhere and patently trying to pass it off as her own. To what gain?

NEWSWIRE: Stuttgart

"EHO, German artist, signs deal with Olympic Committee to produce the next Mascot."

NEWSWIRE: Rue de Grande-Petit 'Eva Hoch., as she is known in the cafe's, likes what she does.' says JIT, who feels now, JILTED, saying as he laughs, '...she has been hounding me since our days at the Grids.'

You see JIT claims the character designated by the Olympic Committee to represent the next Olympic Games, is actual his, based on a design he did, for the Special Olympics, years back, a design that he had foolishly made available online, as a sketch.

'I realize now that I was too open -- I thought the rules of collaboration were more defined -- when someone collaged my design into a square, I was not ready to see it reappear in Communimage. I was dumbfounded. I looked, and it was Eva. It was then that she became my nemesis, the two of us intertwined forever in enmity. '

As he sits he elaborates about his reactions, which took form in the web forums: his hackles raised by being accused of drunkenness, of drug use, he explains sometimes it would seethe and boil to an incredible point his type-rage.

'It is cold-comfort but whenever I can I try to call her dickhead.'

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