SITO / Discussions / sito.synergy.gridcosm
Re: oil ---- Was Re: GRIDFACTS (EHO)
by Just In Time JIT [jit SITOme]  2006-07-27 01:05:09 [16437]
"You think your work should be a museum piece in the wikipedia museum? You're such an ass I've never seen."
she searched for it.
"Hey call the gal what you want, but take it ''outside''


where you was when she called me an ass?

what art? "collab stuff" .? you mean leeching people energy uploading the sketchs. then she work again on it to put on her artchive + no credits until i bitched for it... yeah this is a nice spirit of a collaboration work.

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Vinegar ---- Was Re: GRIDFACTS (JIT)

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