SITO / Discussions / sito.synergy.gridcosm
Re: umm ...
by Jon Van Oast [uwi SITOme] [email Jon Van Oast] 2006-06-29 06:16:02 [16032]
yeah, i was kinda lamenting the use of the *tags* for flamewars. i always had a bit of a rough time with flamewars stuck in the gridpoem, but just kinda ignored them. maybe i take words more seriously? cuz i dont mind (as much) the flamewars going on in images. but now its bled into the tags.....

maybe i just need to take a deep breath and relax. there is always going to be some sorta tag-noise. and besides, in some way, flame-tags are relevant to the level, maybe?

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umm ...
Tag Wars ( ws : ummm )
Re: umm ...wailing wall

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