SITO / Discussions / sito.synergy.gridcosm
'level __' tag
by Jon Van Oast [uwi SITOme] [email Jon Van Oast] 2006-05-04 03:18:31 [15318]
just so you newly-addicted taggers know, next week i hope to put in some code to recognize a special tag: "level ____", in other words, a tag to mean there is reference to (images? context? etc) a previous (presumably not later!?) level. for example: *level 123*

obviously(?) you dont need to put the last couple levels -- they are implicitly referenced by the current level. but this is for those folks with a photographic memory who can see a level and remember/find there is some artwork or reference to previous level stuff.

i will make the tag link back to the previous level soon. obviously it will be hard work doing the research to back-tag with this regard; but will likely be easier to use when you add new art that you know references previous stuff.

note: its probably up to your discretion, but i guess there is a distinction between a *recurring theme* (something that just keeps appearing) and something that has its *source at a specific level*. i think i mean this tag to mean there is a direct reference to one level... but you can use it as you see fit.

make sense?

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