"one less dark square... maybe. i was feeling abstracty when i reserved b1 on the next level. dont know if this woulda stopped me! (i sorta felt that the [sur]realism of what we all were doing -- tiled floors, bodies, water -- would make a nice contrast to some grayscale geometric top-half shenanigans.) i liked the service window cafe in 2576, but thought a morph to a blocky abstract might make for a nice twist. as it turned out, i think one of my favorite things in 2577 was the grayscale grid in the background of much of the level. its kinda like escher or twilight zone or something." Dude, don't let me stop you when you're feeling the urge to be abstract. 'subtract the abstract' That was your mysterious contribution to the gridpoem for 2577-b1. Grayscale is a better tag than monochrome or black & white, I think. Yeah, the grid looks good. The perspective is surreal. Anyway, it has been swallowed into Gridcosm. Sorry to interrupt the CSN&Y dressing room fight between our egomaniacal superstars JIT and EHO. heh ...gridcosm?level=2581 The recent level hogging of RAJ and EHO looks better than average. You're beautiful when you're angry.