SITO / Discussions / sito.synergy.gridcosm
Re: Hi Jon!
by Jon Van Oast [uwi SITOme] [email Jon Van Oast] 2005-10-27 05:52:32 [13394]
"hogginess" is in reference to "hogging" the grid; and is really just an informal way of saying ''someone used all the pieces of gridcosm''.

it is not really *bad*. it can sometimes bother a few people, especially if it takes up many levels. some people, however, would argue that this is *good* and there are no rules in gridcosm. its a long-running debate! for someone new to gridcosm, though, its a fairly common thing to do. dont worry about it at all.

now about the *dreams* on the other hand... wow. yeah, that is something to worry about! haha i know i have to step away from the computer and stare at a blank wall for 1 hour when i am done with gridcosm, otherwise i have nightmares.

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Hi Jon!
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