SITO / Discussions / sito.synergy.gridcosm
Re: Thanks
by  [mail] 2005-10-03 08:16:26 [13246]

Or you could just download this image and do a 6 1/4" x 6 1/4" iron-on. It might help to convert the JPG to a PSD or TIFF and then increase the resolution from 72 dpi to 300 dpi. Good quality cheap t-shirts are available via mail order on the web.

Hey, OED, I've got a couple of old scsi boxes. One's got a 4x CD burner in it. The other has an 8 GB Seagate ultra scsi hard disk inside, which presently has SuSE PPC Linux 7.1 installed on it. Both boxes have fans and both work--I think. Want 'em?

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Re: Thanks

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