SITO / Discussions / sito.synergy.gridcosm
Re: RBR 2322 "Music brings us together"
by Altarego [awe SITOme] [email Altarego] 2005-08-27 12:29:50 [12978]
You need colour to paint flesh tone regardless of race. Ruddy,sanguine,olive, regardles, I need red, yellow, blue. Nationalism usually contains red though I'm sure there are exceptions. Race and culture have their strength and weakness but there is always something to rise above. If my neighbour plays their stereo with loud thumping bass at 2 in the morning it sure will bring us together. Hey Adolph, turn down your Wagner! Why would Stravinsky's "Rites of Spring" cause riots in the streets? And evidently you can cause a riot to disperse by playing white noise. It relaxes your bowels. Zappa sings,
"and my toilet blew up just the very next day, ayay, the very next day."
Who would name their kid Dweezil? Moon Unit, thats cool though. Yeah, I want to teach the world to sing in perfect harmony but is cola part of the solution or part of the problem. My son was watching a Michael Jackson DVD today and Michael is looking very pale while singing a wonderful song about world peace and my son says, He's much darker on the other side of the DVD. The perils of myth and fame. The trick to becoming famous is to create a character and you let the character become famous. I sometimes prefer to fantasize that this is what Elvis and Lennon did. They killed off the character while they continue to live off their wealth in comfort and obscurity in Buenos Aires. Course they still have to tell Adolph to turn down his music. Good night and God Bless you Mrs. Calabash wherever you are.
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Re: RBR 2322

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