"i think it is missing an english translation link when someone write stuff in a different langage." that would be very useful. unfortunately, its a little tricky to do. the language stuff i added at the top (CN:PT:FR, etc...) use babelfish and google. however, they all *assume* that the page is translating FROM english. these translators need to know both the language FROM and the language TO that one desires. unless i can write some code to detect the language, say, a posting to the gridcosm discussion is written in (like french), i cant make more buttons to translate TO english. if that makes sense. i wish there was an easy way to do something like: <french>je pense que....</french> within a web page. but it is a tricky thing to pull off. so, yeah, you have to do like EHO suggests and just go to the translator pages yourself, unfortunately. every so often someone claims they are working on a web-browser with built in translating capability... now that will be a wonderful day!