SITO / Discussions / sito.synergy.gridcosm
Re: No Blend Zone?
by  [mail] 2005-02-20 11:08:17 [11560]
"and no, I haven't changed my mind about blending, but I do reserve the right to not blend as well. sometimes the idea will trump the image."

Trump the image? Is that when The Donald says You're Fired? Gridcosm Apprentice is a disturbing concept. ;-)

If I had it to do over again--if I could go back in time to November 2000 and start over--I would never 'reserve the right' to be unblendy. It's not worth the strife. Free advice from the #3 gridhog and #1 pariah... You can integrate the idea into a blendy square. Do it.

"besides, I was freatly disappointed by my blending in ...gridcosm?level=2139 where I couldn't even blend a simple blue panel"

There's nothing wrong with 2139 a3 or b3. One of the lines is a little disjointed--fractured--I actually like it that way.

OTOH, 2141 a1, a2 and a3 are a thermal gasket overload. ...gridcosm?level=2141

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Re: No Blend Zone?

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