wow! excellent. how can this be turned into something for the dvd? (should it be?) i have been comptemplating taking some of the webpages that are about gridcosm and turn them into slideshows of sorts for the dvd. (with permission, of course.) this would make a nice addition. with some lead in to JERs comment? with other comments? in a world with big grant money and a huge crew, we could do 20 interviews on how gridcosm pieces get made. we would get 20 different ways. (there is already a great one that will be on the dvd; but that is all i will say for now.) i wish i used more of the draw/freehand style snz illustrates. it is really ideal, in my mind. i end up copping out and doing a lot of paintbrush strokes and filling with solid colors and rubberstamped patterns. maybe this is because i lack a drawing tablet? anyhow, the one step i do use is the fixed-size thing (150x150) that JER points out. the trick then is not getting off by a pixel or two. in gimp (or photoshop, when i use it) i turn keep an eye on the "info" box to make sure i am selecting at the right place.