SITO / Discussions / sito.synergy.gridcosm
Re: gridcosm dvd a senseless babble of suggestions and questions
by Root Mugwort [rut SITOme] [email Root Mugwort] 2005-01-06 00:35:05 [11018]
Maybe the dvd could be done Hollywood style. Have a slick. two hour production with interviews and commentaries intermixed with portions of the fly-through. Then have the whole thing available in raw footage for those who dare to take the whole ride. And by the way which way will it run? Top level to bottom or bottom level to top? Or could both options be available? Could the different language tracks be used to have different sound track options? By the way, are you looking for soundtrack artists or ideas? It would be nice if the recordings from the readings page were somehow used like in the flash viewer.
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gridcosm dvd
gridcosm dvd, followup 1

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