SITO / Discussions / sito.synergy.gridcosm
Re: jam session idea
by Jon Van Oast [uwi SITOme] [email Jon Van Oast] 2005-01-05 07:36:00 [11001]
"The only thing that differs from what we do all the that the TCA method would have some formalized agreement [ ... ] a schedule vibe and rules to the matter"

yeah, i agree that what this is about is adding a formalized additional set of rules. this happens, i suppose, on occasion because of discussion over here. (i mean, talk leads to change in content.)

i would guess the difficulty would be "enforcement" (for lack of a kinder word!). not even in reference to malicious folks who might screw up the formalized vibe, but from newbies who pop in, or even regulars who might not read the posts first.

that said, i think it is a cool idea, *if* you can accept these possible glitches. even just a little back-stage collaboration between a couple or three gridcosmers (email? irc? instant message?) could produce some beautiful music for the eyes.

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