"some material? your talking about your hug collection of homo' porn & art ?" Hug collection, JIT? Heh. HUGE collection of furry art? Furry Art | Metafilter <www.metafilter.com> Hey, I like SNZ's contribution to level 2042. Now I can finish the level (fill in the white squares) and upload an alternative level 2042 to my Artchive. That will keep the poison out of Gridcosm--it doesn't belong there. Level 2042 was MY BAD, not his. I had an itch, I scratched it. I should have shown some restraint. To make matters worse--adding to the unnecessary provocation--TCA's a3, b3 and c3 are visually ugly. SNZ's 'white out' is no great loss. The whole level will soon be forgotten, and deservedly so. NBA basketball headcase Dennis 'the Worm' Rodman once kicked an innocent cameraman in the groin during a game for no apparent reason--the incident was broadcast live--it was replayed many times in slow motion. Ouch. Another NBA player--Latrelle Sprewell--strangled his coach during a practice session. The coach recovered. Sprewell was traded to another team. Do you know where all of this blather is leading? Ron Artest has been suspended without pay for the entire remainder of the season this year. Artest = artiste? ;-) Charges to be unveiled Wednesday <www.indystar.com> Indiana Pacers player Artest and a few of his team-mates plowed into the seats and started pounding some unruly fans near the end of a game in Detroit on November 19. The brawl has been roundly condemned and replayed endlessly on television. What a train wreck.