SITO / Discussions / sito.synergy.gridcosm
origin of the SNZ TCA feud
by Thomas C Armagost [tca SITOme] [email Thomas C Armagost] 2004-12-03 23:21:46 [10681]
Graphic flamefests are nothing new on Gridcosm. MKC will tell you about the mugging that he received on level 600. ...gridcosm?level=600

The SNZ TCA feud began with a pile-on. JSH's level 1479-a3 Che parody caricature of TCA ...gridcosm?level=1479 is a classic. Also note EHO's c2 on level 1479. NAR and TCA danced the metaphorical ice hockey jig (2 minutes in the penalty box for fighting) ...gridcosm?level=1489 on levels 1489-c2 and 1490-c2. NLT stated his opinion ...gridcosm?level=1491 on level 1491-a1. TCA and NAR were at it again ...gridcosm?level=1496 starting on level 1496-c3. BAZ vented ...gridcosm?level=1497 on level 1497 a1, b1 and c1.

SNZ fired his first volley on level 1478. ''1. Pick source images 2. Apply filters 3. Art! Bon!''

...gridcosm?level=1478 Level 1478. SNZ a3. Also note SNY's a2 and c2 parody of TCA's a1 and c1.

...gridcosm?level=1482 Level 1482. TCA a2 and a3. SNZ c1 and c3.

...gridcosm?level=1484 Level 1484. TCA a2 and c2. SNZ b1.

...gridcosm?level=1485 Level 1485. TCA a1. SNZ a2.

...gridcosm?level=1487 Level 1487. TCA c1.

...gridcosm?level=1488 Level 1488. TCA b3, c2 and c3.

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Re: Wow
Re: origin of the SNZ TCA..

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