SITO / Discussions / sito.synergy.gridcosm
Re: Not Smoke - twas Fur
by Thomas C Armagost [tca SITOme] [email Thomas C Armagost] 2004-11-30 22:47:26 [10581]
Smoking fur? SNY, I am reminded of the Firesign Theatre's comedy routine about breeding mutant blue chinchillas. Late 1960s vintage. Probably before your time. The Firesign Theatre Fun Page, March '75 <> Click on the link and scroll down the webpage a bit to The Chinchilla Show.
"if JIT you were commenting vaguely about that egregiouus filter usage. That is what those filters are for. When else can one use them?"

I was riffing on JIT's gridpoem entry for a2 ''look look i am doing smoke'' and layered part of a GIF titled ''smoke text tutorial'' into b1. The word 'Smoking' with shafts of light seen through smoke is from that GIF--appropriated from Google. I certainly wasn't commenting about egregious Photoshop filter usage. ...gridcosm?level=2025

"TCA, you continue to purposefully confound with your strange visual esperanto con carnage."

Once again YOUR reaction confounds ME. Fur? What has fur got to do with level 2025?

You're not the good cop anymore? You're a bad cop? Who is the good cop now? Jon? ;-)

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Not Smoke - twas Fur
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