SITO / Discussions / sito.synergy.gridcosm
by  [mail] 2004-11-25 08:43:54 [10475]
It's BAZ. Utterly predictable.

"Don't trouble yourself with Silly. His contributions are self serving and pedestrian. Collaboration is not in his karma. One plus one for him is never more than two and always less than two. This is not a flame about TCA but about what we see and what he does. It is so often topical things and not about aesthics and what things look like."

Silly was the name of my cat. He died in 1999. The e-mail address remains.

This is not a flame about TCA? Hate the sin, not the sinner? Bullshit. This IS a flame about TCA. It sure as hell ain't constructive criticism. Quoth Bob Dylan ''Why don’t you just come out once and scream it?'' On second thought, you're probably telling the truth because it's hard to hate someone you've never met. You and I have never shared a handshake in the flesh--I intend to keep it that way.

Collaboration is not in my karma? Maybe I'm a member of the French Resistance. That would be quite an embarrassment to our new friend JIT. Death to collaborators! ;-)

"Art is vast and 99% is shit, but whatever. I expect I will once again see a flame about what I just wrote and why he would never take a class from me but .... What he does visually speaks louder though it's lacking."

I'm a failure as an artist, you're a failure as a professor. It's all a matter of opinion. Who knows? We could both be wrong.

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