Eva, your a1 and a2 are beautiful. I marveled at them just before going to bed. VMD has gotten caught up in the strife of level 1961, I think. Was the unblendiness intentional or was it emotional intuition? Artists are so damn sensitive. They have to be, I suppose. Maybe VMD was just sensing on the bad vibes. "Like a pesky mosquito, the annoying little buzzing went on and on and on." Mosquitos aren't funny where I live. Riverside County is a vector for West Nile Virus. MRM is currently trying to chase me off Gridcosm. Before that, JER had a go. BWD expressed displeasure recently... I'm not sure why. Welcome, VMD. If your unblendiness was accidental, check this webpage out. GRIDCOSM A variety of primer and tale <www.armoredbaby.com>