SITO / Discussions / sito.synergy.gridcosm
Re: fezzed thumb
by Thomas C Armagost [tca SITOme] [email Thomas C Armagost] 2004-10-01 05:54:28 [10088]
"TCA's secret plan to eliminate the gays"

Do an all-gay season of The Apprentice and have Donald Trump fire 'em one by one? You could do something similar with Jeopardy. 'Hairdressers of the Seventies for a hundred dollars, Alex.'

RBR, you don't know me. Or maybe you're a crank yanker, in which case the truth doesn't matter to you. I'm about as far removed from a fundamentalist Christian Bushoid as you can get. I'm a humanist. I dig stem cell research. And I like to give credit where it is due for cool stuff such as Gridcosm. I don't want a bunch of self-proclaimed moralists controlling my high-tech toys and medicines.

But maybe I'm really an undercover dirty trickster working secretly for Pat Buchanan. You never know. You can't be too careful. The walls have ears. No one can be trusted.

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Re: fezzed thumb

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