Death of Moxie | ||
by Mc_Moxie ![]() |
2004-07-07 16:45:23 | [9556] |
It started 2 years ago, although it feels longer. For some forgotten reason I was frustrated with the flow of the Gridcosm and decided to respond. I created a new alias. The reasons for the choice of MC Moxie are also hazy, but I had severe seasonal allergies that summer and the combination of Benadryl and my bodies immune system left my brain in a tenuous state. However, I've always enjoyed the drink Moxie for it's somewhat off-kilter taste. It tastes like a bitter root beer and at one point was America's most popular soda. It can still be found in pockets of New England, my base of operations. Although the "meaning" behind Moxie may be unclear, the reason for his creation was not. I wanted to provoke. To stimulate activity on the board. I chose the distinctive color pallette of Orange, White and Black and stuck to it relatively faithfully, part of the point was to try to create an association with the colors and spread their influence throughout levels. On this note I think I was successful. In level 1300 after about 6 months and 17 squares SNY made the link between the color and the persona. ...gridcosm?level=1300 There are other examples as well, I may be making more of it than it really was but level 1174 seems to have triggered a 10 pack of levels- following the orange thread leads you to 1184. One of my favorite Gridcosm levels ever. ...gridcosm?level=1184 Of course, as in most annoying and "provocative" behavior, the shock value began to wear off. I attempted to ratchet up the shock value with the pornographic 1319 and 1320, it was a miscalcualation as SNY and EHO folded it into a Christmas present. Then the infamous takeover of 1353 through 1359. Perhaps illadvised. I think I was drunk at the time and the antics reeked of a aging rock star looking for attention. The only "benefit" from a punk rock aesthetic standpoint was that 1359 broke the grid- perhaps the equivalent of smashing the speakers and letting the feedback run for days. After that it was pretty much downhill. The next attempt at mass provocation was 1645, at this point 18 months into Moxie's creation. This level has it's own beauty however, because it allowed IPD's genius repurposing of past levels. ...gridcosm?level=1646 MOX's game was up. He had been absorbed into the grid and ceased to carry meaning. There were a few scattered levels after that- but they were halfhearted attempts, whose effectiveness was neglible. So MC Moxie is dead. I hoped he served his purpose in this little game, on some level I should feel bad for trying to antoagonize my fellow collaborators, but I do not. Moxie is a chapter in the Gridcosm now. Make of him what you will. | ||
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