Let me say that I have always tried to incorporate the 1 px borcer if need be. The standard trick would often be: 1. create a 1 px lasso of a 1pxlr that has a slightly different shade then the rest of the joined panel, then repeat the pattern however well it applies in the panel being completed = aligned or non-aligned. 2 If the border is a solid, somehow work that into the new panel - the biggest challenge of course being to make it, though as doomed as it is, seem seamless. I hate, in addition, the hidden adrenelin of a flame war. It is such a poisonous rush, to at first read the wonderful, biting criticisms or insults, and then to respond, perhaps heatedly in retaliation. Perhaps we can get some flame stats with percentage of obscenities, insult or other little slices of stuff for the Grid. Fame is for graffitti writers SUN