SITO / Discussions / sito.synergy.gridcosm
Re: 1pix borders...
by JER [jer SITOme]  2004-04-29 14:40:00 [8995]
"Give up the glamour of the grid, TCA. PANIC is more interesting. It just doesn't tell you that lie about being famous (because it disappears eventually)."

Hoo, boy if anyone comes to the Grid to be famous then wow, they're placing their chips on the wrong number.

Talent shmalent, but I do agree with the bridge. Sometimes it's referred to as focusing on the process and not the product. In the end, at least we're making stuff- unlike 99% of the population who sit in front of their tv's, dump quarters into slot machines, get blasted every night, etc.

Combine the act of creation with collaboration and that's what the grid is about. People's egos get bruised here because no matter how much you try to insulate yourself from it, you're still putting a bit of yourself out there for people to criticize.

Personally, I use the grid to sharpen the connection between what my brain perceives and how I can illustrate that. It's good for you, sorta like bran for the brain.

p.s SNY gets todays award. 1 pixel tribute= brilliance

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Re: 1pix borders...
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