"...be happy and thank God if you not gets 1736 b1...for example...:-)" Hey, I'm hurt. Eva, I spent hours framing your lovely line drawing. ...gridcosm?level=1736 The face in 1736-b1 belongs to former Enron boss Kenneth Lay. He severely damaged the state of California when energy was deregulated here. He was responsible for rolling blackouts where I live. And when he did it he joked about the sinking of the Titanic. Sinking the Lusitania is closer to the truth--Kenneth Lay is the U-boat commander. California will suffer for many years--I'm hoping that the swine goes to jail. Lay is the main reason why Arnold is governor today. The previous governor was recalled for bungling the energy negotions. Kenneth Lay and his Texas friends were great chums with George W. Bush until the huge Enron scandal hit the fan--it has been described as the biggest white collar crime in history.