SITO / Discussions / sito.synergy.gridcosm
Re: The last few levels.
by Thomas C Armagost [tca SITOme] [email Thomas C Armagost] 2004-01-28 04:37:33 [8254]
"Ok. The last few levels are ugly as butt."

Get ready for a shocker. I actually LIKE some of the recent levels QUITE A BIT. I experienced some apprehension, and I was slow to warm up to the recent levels. But now (in retrospect) I like 'em.

For example, NAR's 1717 is GREAT. ...gridcosm?level=1717 I like what VON did to 1716. ...gridcosm?level=1716 ''Schmuck, I'm NOT Pleased to meet you!'' ??! VON, I was just kidding. ...gridcosm?level=1715 I like VON's black and white faces. ...gridcosm?level=1714 I like ODR and JER's faces from 1713--and what I did with them on 1714. Kinda looks like Michael Jackson, don't it? The new official spokesman for VonSass cola? ...gridcosm?level=1712 Level 1712 is full of energy and mirth. Art Garfunkel won't be ''smoking cigarettes and watching Captain Kangaroo'' any time soon. Art's in jail, busted for marijuana possession, and Captain Kangaroo is dead. The homeland is a safer place! The narco terrorists are on the run!

As for 1718 through 1722... Quiltiness doesn't thrill me, but no big. There are aspects of interest on every level. I'm not terribly proud of my contributions of these levels. But I am proud of what I did on 1712 through 1716

"Form and function, people, form and function. SNY, VON and BMS, I'd expect better from ya'll. It's levels like this that prevent me from linking directly to gridcosm from my website."

You don't expect better from me. ;-)

I link to Gridcosm directly from my blog--you'd better believe it. You've got to take the losing with the winning. Besides, who knows which is which at any given time on the Grid? Gridcosm is about spontaneity and creative energy. If you want to ''work together'' why not go do a mural?

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The last few levels.
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