SITO / Discussions / sito.synergy.gridcosm
holy crap calm down!
by Jon Van Oast [uwi SITOme] [email Jon Van Oast] 2004-01-24 04:41:46 [8168]
first of all, i dont know how this turned into the bash GRE board, but i dont much care for it. i mean, this is only like the one billionth time a newbie did something non-blendy, so i dont know whats up. maybe it was just the non-blendy straw that broke natalukas' back. so be it.

second, there is nothing forbidding an artist to put a price of a work on their images. there are many examples of this on sito. now if an artist started posting to discussions saying "buy my art!" or rather than original artwork they were hawking car parts or herbal viagra, these are different matters.

and i really dont much like throwing around this "new ager" thing NOR the "48 year old" thing at all. sito is full of painters, photographers, scultors, pixelists, and more that are spread across the spectrum of both age *and* any kinda label you can put on them. so why would you? i for one am proud that sito has "new agers" next to "digital artists" next to hobbyist photographers next to world-class sculptors. etc.

and my final vent is that, if *ANY* of these things are worth addressing (a *common* newbie gridcosm snafu, weird stuff in their artchive text), then HEY lets do it like human beings and, gee, i dont know, *talk to the person* first. IF they get flakey, dont respond, get abusive, etc; THEN let your feathers get ruffled.

in summary/closing: play nice for goshs sake. if a "48 year old new ager" cant put some paintings up and try out gridcosm with a fairly minor/common mistake, then i think sito is failing in a lot of way.

(that said, i am going to comptemplate this whole "vote for me" thing on her artchive pages. comptemplate and discuss with her. something that, i might add, we dont explicitely have a policy on but that i just want to ponder over. and welcome you all to. nicely!)

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Re: 48 year old New Ager
Re: holy crap calm down!
Re: holy crap calm down!

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