SITO / Discussions / sito.synergy.gridcosm
Re: I will never give up
by Nata Lukas [nlt SITOme] [email Nata Lukas] 2004-01-24 02:00:50 [8161]
Certainly I believe in adapting. (I think I just needed to vent.) I am always adapting here on the grid, one has no other choice.

But when someone comes out of nowhere to call me a whiner, he ought have something more profound to his arguement than 'adapt'.

It really sucks to put up something for others to respond to and expand upon, and then have some oblivous newbie drop a quilt tile on top of it. That I think would piss most people off.

In anycase, I dig what you did with b1. Too bad we can't get rid of that 1 px line on the far left either, O.well. Guess I'll go and adapt ;)


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Re: I give up
Re: I will never give up

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