SITO / Discussions / sito.synergy.gridcosm
Re: last 15 posts
by MARK SUNSHINE [sny SITOme] [email MARK SUNSHINE] 2004-01-16 15:34:36 [8079]
"Most of these clowns just seem to be yanking my chain out of sheer boredom. "

And whom would those clowns be? TCA -- anytime you have had your chain yanked, (a terrible term to use) you have been rebuked by certain groups from the pool of collective articipants, for what appeared then as lackluster efforts, or obsessive attentions to strange peripheral topicalities, appearing so often in the Grid your position could border on that of publicist, lobbyist or campaign manager for said issues.

Regardless, I have looked through the Grid over the past few minutes, trying to find one of the terrible panels: the task is fruitless as are the arguements we have .... One cannot tell which panel arrived first, ignored what or succeeded where.

OK, I gotta get back to the cold of our apartment here.

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