SITO / Discussions / sito.synergy.gridcosm
Re: gridhog
by MARK SUNSHINE [sny SITOme] [email MARK SUNSHINE] 2003-12-21 06:14:17 [7873]
I will.

HSF has probably thee record for non-stop repetition and attack. As far as I can recall this entity has now the crown ofn the Great Grid Usurper.

HSF - I see your posts hjere and I think a telling bit of information would be to explain what you were feeling during this rampant period of expression.

What do YOU think this is?

I think: It is a collaborative effort that at times links together fantastic choices of image -- creating beautiful unexpected juxtapositions which at their best as "blendy " are seamless and as "quilty" striking.

Your flow can by some be construed as selfish and with little clue in the GridPoem and little signal in the forum, you are quite isolated as you work.

You I think are the FIRST to ever get a muzzle applied.

This is VERY VERY significant. If you were ( if you are not still under restrictions )able to post agin - woud you simply continue and if so....what would inspire you to stop the flood....


Sunshine gridmember since 97

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