as you may have noticed, i have given another response (#7865; see below). this, and the one you responded to are mostly simple (lazy!) suggestions. however, in a nutshell, i think i can *TRY* to summarize YEARS (literally) of gridcosm play with: (1) its a shared space, and people want an equal chance to get in on the action [hard to do when pieces are reserved very quickly]; and (2) there are many schools of thought [blendy vs quilty; experimental vs traditional; symbolic vs visual; dogs vs cats] and i dont think we have EVER come to a real conclusion about this! [this is part of what makes gridcosm so interesting, i think.] i really *do* recommend skimming over past gridcosm discussion posts (i know it is tedious and our interface is pretty tough for this, ugh, sorry), especially reading some of the "colorful" (flame-ful, rowdy, bizarre) threads on blendiness and grid-hogging. i dont know if you will gain much from it (haha), but it might help us from having the discussions all over again. which we likely will anyway. which is probably fine. other related post: ...discuss?num=7865