SITO / Discussions / sito.synergy.gridcosm
1654 not 1653
by  [mail] 2003-12-07 23:56:52 [7714]

"Good to have you back in the mix, Bean."

The origins of IPD's 1655-c1, c2 and c3 are level 111. Awesome. ...gridcosm?level=111

"You said it well. The link would have been a better link if it had pointed to the original imagery itself. But I wouldn't worry too much about the commercialization of the Grid (except by MOX who's trying to sell us all 100 year old soda)."

MOX is trying to sell us MOX.

"DGT used to make good use of the hyperlinked gridpoem, it's not used too often. TCA links to his source sometimes as does SNY. Anyone with an agenda (commercial ventures, political) on their mind will pretty much be wasting their time here. Let's face it, the audience for the Gridpoem's is fairly small, but even if it wasn't, the peer pressure we could muster would cause the mightiest seller of soap to flee."

The last thing I want to witness is UWI or OED playing the role of censor.

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Re: 1653
Re: 1654 not 1653

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