SITO / Discussions / sito.synergy.gridcosm
[no subject]
by JER   2003-09-06 14:27:09 [7314]

I like 810. It's an above average level in my eyes. In some ways though I would call the "playmaker" MKC's C1 square. Nothing against DGT's feet but sometimes showing restraint by adding a near empty square is what ties a level together.

This is more a comment to myself, but I really don't take this thing that seriously. I've always liked TCA's analogy to the garage band. People drop in and out but the "music" keeps on playing. There have been many times when I've just whipped through a square or put something up for totally selfish reasons. And the thing is, there's frequently one person who does that every level. Sometimes, everyone's in synch and you get something going. Sometimes that "something" lasts for a few levels. rarely does it last for more than three. Eventually entropy and a lone artist's contrary spirit break it down to start anew.

Such is the Grid.

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