Am I the round peg that I've been trying to hammer into a seemingly endless succession of 450x450 pixel squares?
Maybe OED and UWI haven't posted to this thread because they don't want to interfere with the direction Gridcosm's heading. So there's no point trying to fathom whether the wizards approve of Gridcosm's direction. That's just a theory of mine. Also OED is working in a depressed sector of the economy, so he probably doesn't have much spare time to kibitz. He has stated that he doesn't fancy the patchwork quilt style of blending, so that's a clue. Does that mean we should always refrain from the patchwork quilt style? No, I think Ed is tolerant, and if a patchwork level looks really good, he'll make an exception and like it. He has stated that he grits his teeth from time to time, so maybe I've made a big mistake by not taking Ed into consideration often enough. ''What would Ed think?'' ''What kind of SUV would Jesus drive?'' ;-)
JER, please tell me what you think of level 810. ...gridcosm?level=810 I'm blushing because I hogged three squares on that level.
DGT's 810-b3 is the ''playmaker.'' The running shoes cause you to look ''down.'' To your left are EHO's miniature water buffalo in a3. The perspective is weird, but it ''feels right.'' The perspective gets weirder in b2. All of a sudden, the whole level looks like it's in zero gravity. You're looking down at a window below. The aqua structures in TCA's a1 and b1 are SIDEWAYS. In c1, MKC does a great job of blending with the giant flower in c2. And in c3, MKC does a great job of blending with both c2 and b3. He ties the whole thing together. TCA's egg on SNY's a2 plate is a reference to an ''egg Yoko'' visual pun way back on level 808. Yoko Ono is an artist who would appreciate Gridcosm if she knew about it, IMHO. Start at level 808 and progress forward to 811. You'll find some multilevel blending there, IMHO. Not perfect, but pretty good. ...gridcosm?level=808
BTW, I'm looking at 810-f.jpg on a 17" Sony Trinitron monitor using Mac OS 9.1 running Photoshop 6 in default Apple ColorSync. I've also printed out the image with an HP deskjet printer, default ColorSmart III settings, on good quality white paper. The reason why I'm mentioning all of this is because an image can look quite different on an LCD screen, or a PC incapable of generating millions of colors, or printed out on colored paper, etc. . . . . Gridcosm is pure hell for control freaks. That's what I like most about it.