"It was an ugly level no matter slow it was. Big reason it was slow was because the early posts to it were so narly no one felt inspired to continue it." BAZ, I don't think level 1520 is ugly. I'll admit RBR's a1, SNY's a2, JER's c2, and TCA's b3 presented a challenge. But that's what this game is supposed to be about, isn't it? Gridcosm has been around since 1997, so the occasional challenging level should be viewed as a good thing in 2003, right? Otherwise the Grid would get soporific real fast, don't you think? JER, NAR and BAZ rose to the challenge. You are to be congratulated. As JER put it in the level 1521 poem ''HUZZAH!'' I don't even mind BUH's seemingly oblivious c3 much. Seems to me BUH is a serious artist with an artistic vision that's totally contradictory to everyone else's expectations. He presents a serious challenge to Gridcosm. ...gridcosm?level=1520